Atomic City Fallout Bowl - Bloodbowl Team Event

Availability: In stock (12)

This is a Bloodbowl Team event!

We will be using the official GW 2020 Blood Bowl rules in addition to the NAF 2024 Rules for Tournaments found here:


9:00am -9:30am Registration

9:30am -11:45am - Round 1

11:45am -12:30pm Lunch

12:30pm - 2:45pm Round 2

2:45pm - 5:00pm Round 3

5:00pm - 5:45pm Awards ceremony

Special rule: Nuclear exposure: the longer your exposed to it the more likely you will suffer the effects. : At the end of the kicking teams turn the kicking team rolls a d8. If the result is equal to or greater then the current turn nothing happens. If the result is lower then the current turn a randomly selected player from each team will gain a randomly selected mutation.

Atomic City weather table:

  1. Toxic Sludge: reduce the MA of players by 1. Players may be allowed to rush one more time then normal.
  2. Toxic Fog: Only quick passes may be attempted. Attempts to rush add a +1 modifier to succeed

4 - 10 perfect weather.

  1. Radiation Exposure: at the end of the drive the kicking teams coach will roll a d3. Both teams will have that many randomly selected players who were on the pitch sit out the next drive.
  2. Toxic Rain: -1 to pick up and catch the ball. At the end of your turn roll a d6 for any stunned players on a 1 they remain stunned.

Kickoff table: Normal BB2020 will be in use for this event.

Squads will consist of 2 coaches. Squads will have 4 points to purchase teams. Tier 1 teams cost 3 points. Tier 2 teams cost 2 points and tier 3 teams cost 1. Squads will not be allowed to spend more then the 4 points but are not required to spend all 4. 

Team Creation: Teams will have 1,150 to purchase players, sideline staff and inducements. Star players will not be allowed to participate in the event as their contracts do not allow them to play in these conditions. Stunty teams have also opted out of there invitations due to the lack of star player availability.

Skill points: Primary skills cost 1 point. Secondary skills cost 2 skill points. No stacking skills. Maximum of 4 of any one skill can be added to your team.

Allowed Inducements:

Bloodweiser Kegs, Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, Mortuary Assistant, Plague Dr, Biased Referee. Hazmat suit.

Hazmat suit. Cost 5k limit 4 per team. Allows players wearing the suits to ignore the effects of the weather table. It also keeps the player wearing it from gaining random mutations 

Tier 1 teams : Amazons, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Underworld Denizens, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elves. These teams get 6 skill points and can take 1 secondary skill. 

Tier 2 teams: Chaos Dwarves, Elven Union, High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Orcs, Tomb Guardian, Vampires. These teams get 8 skill points and can take 2 secondary skills. 

Tier 3 teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann.. These teams get 10 skill points can take 3 secondary skills l.

Squad Awards:

1st place

Runner up

Individual Awards

1st place

Runner up

Most tds

Most Casualties

Best Defense

Best painted.

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